Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Flipped" Professional Development by Tony Eatchel

During my time at TIES I was focusing on Technology Coaching and Professional Development.  What really caught my eye was the “flipped” model of Technology Professional Development.  Flipped Professional Development can transform teachers through personalized online instruction and face-to-face workshop time with technology integration specialists.

The key to a Flipped program is having online Tutorials, Videos, and How To’s that teachers can easily access and watch when ever they have the time.  Then teachers can come to the Technology Specialist with specific questions and issues.

Currently we have a good number of video tutorials, district created tutorials and links that have already been created.  In the coming months we will build a page of the links so our staff can access them and work through some basic Technology content knowledge.  Our goal as a staff is to use our Technical, Pedagogical and Content knowledge together to create lessons that are meaningful and engaging for our students!

Technology, Pedagogy, Content Knowledge (Venn)

1 comment:

  1. I've seen flipped instruction used with students in areas like math and I think using it with teachers in the area of technology is a great idea. Gives the teacher the opportunity to play around with the tech first and then if problems arise the tech specialist can help explain those problems. Seems like it would save time on both ends, especially for the tech specialist because they don't need to teach the concept multiple times.

